Research Proposal
To use stem cells from the patient to regenerate the missing immunoglobulin and reinject into the blood.
Stem cells can be obtained from mature differentiated cells of other cells in the body. Additionally, if there are even a few iga cells, stem cells can be engineered from these which can potentially simplify the process.
Mayo clinic is doing research on injections of stem cell engineered muscle cells to treat musculoskeletal pain. I suffer from excrutiating fibromialgia and plantar fasciitis and would like to be considered as a candidate for this study.
Regarding IgA:
There are two kinds of white blood cells, leukocytes: t cells and b cells. They, and other cells, are involved in the process of killing pathogens: cancer, viruses, bacteria and fungi.
B cells have proteins on their surface that activate them, help them bind to the pathogen and do their job. These proteins are called immunoglobulin, there are 5 kinds, each specializes in different areas of the body. For defficiency with some forms there is an option of immunoglobulon infusion from blood products taken from donated blood. This is not possible for iga defficiency, the form I have.
Perhaps reengineering stem cells from the patient for stem cell autotransplantation would be possible similar to what mayo clinic does for muscle pain.
Considering the bioengineering challenges, perhaps direct infusion of iga wouldnt work, and what needed is in vitro to connect the immunoglobulin to b cells and inject into the bloodstream activated b cells.
I live most of the time in constant pain in bed and unable to function. Its a rare illness but not an insurmountable one and so i plead and beg to anyone in a position to do so, please discover and invent a cure.
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